Amber Suratte

Full Stack Web Developer

Spreadsheet Driven Contextual Ads

This project streamlined the running of weekly banner ads, enabling the marketing team to own the process.

The purpose of this project was to enable all members of our small marketing team to run weekly ads on multiple areas of the site without developer assistance. They were provided a Google Sheet where they could enter image URLs, copy, links, and start/end dates for each offer, as well as the location on the site, which customer groups should be included/excluded, and whether it should show for unauthenticated or authenticated users. The marketing team could also control the design of the different banner elements via provided utility classes.

My contributions included writing JavaScript to consume the JSON data from the Google sheet, developing the banner template to accommodate a combination of 1-2 images, headline, overline, subheadline, and call to action, as well as serving the experience through Adobe Target.

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